H.B. Wallace Reserve
Seven short hiking paths provide over 2 miles of peaceful walking.
Distances and elevation gains vary.
Most difficult: Castle Rock trail. Nice views from the Castle Rock formation on top.
The remaining trails are Easy to Moderate.

Directions: park at the dirt lot on Ute Pass Ave. across from Mountain Rd. at the far east edge of Green Mountain Falls. Walk uphill on Mountain Rd. for 0.25 mile to
H.B. Wallace Reserve on the right (marked by dirt driveway with sign). The hiker has a choice of seven trails to wander. Consult the map board and the “H.B. Wallace Reserve Trail Map.”
History: The trails system in this 95 acre Reserve was developed in the mid-20th century by Henry Browne Wallace, son of former Secretary of Agriculture and Vice President, Henry Agard Wallace. H.B., as he was known, carried on his family’s tradition of philanthropy, scientific research, and community service. He shared these trails with the residents of Green Mountain Falls and Chipita Park.