Friends of Ute Pass Trails
Building Trails, Building Community
Join Us!
2024 Work Dates
May 19th, Sunday
June 22nd, Saturday
July 21st, Sunday
August 17, Saturday
September 8th Sunday
September 28th Saturday
FOUPT Board of Directors
Second Thursday of the Month
6 PM
Church in the Wildwood
Green Mountain Falls
2nd Floor, Jeff & Carla Chapman Room
A volunteer-centered non-profit advocating for and supporting a system of safe and sustainable hiking trails for public use in the Ute Pass area, promoting stewardship for trails and education for responsible trail use.
Our volunteers dedicate their time and effort to improving our area's hiking trail network, making our community a better place to live and recreate.
Our Friends are committed to leaving things better than they find them, inspiring others to preserve and protect our natural resources, so vital to our well being.
Our Mission
Build, Protect, Educate
Help us preserve and protect our natural resources